Influence of natural environmental factors on gastropods molluscs

Snails are an important component of ecosystem. They process considerable part of dying off organics and redistribute some substances in ecosystems. The protection of snails is the constituent of protection of the most valuable ecosystems which does the latter more complex and effective and lies in protection of their habitat, limitation of certain activities of people and in creation and maintenance of necessary conditions. Worsening of conditions of existence of snails can be foremost due to contamination of soil by radionuclides. As a rule, gastropods molluscs undergo mixed radioactive irradiation – external and internal. Radioactive contamination of snails can change depending on type of maintenance (natural or artificial - in the conditions of a farm), degree of pollution of soil and plants which molluscs feed on. In the organism of gastropods molluscs radioactive substances get through alimentary canal with feed and water which include radionuclides. Certain amount of radionuclides can also get to the organism with particles of soil and wood. Probability of the consumption of radioactive particles from the surface of soil is high in case of radioactive rainfall. It was determined that the best method to achieve ecologically clean product is to breed snails in the conditions of a farm. In this case every stage is controlled: getting litter, maintenance of all requirements concerning breeding, feeding and processing of snails on environmentally clean territories. It was well-proven that it is necessary to balance ration of snails with calcium and potassium in the conditions of a farm (in summer on the field) which is near polluted area that will lead to rapid elimination of 137Cs and 90Sr from their organisms. In case of radioactive pollution of gastropods molluscs the main task is not in taking care of them, but in the determination of the possibility to use meat from such snails for nourishment. It is obligatory before preparing ready-to-cook food, consuming or export the meat of snails to investigate them on the content of 137Cs and 90Sr, lead, zinc, copper, cobalt, iron, manganese and calcium. It is especially related to snails of natural population. Keywords: Factors; gastropods molluscs; ecology; radionuclides; heavy metals References: Prister, B. S., Loschilov, N. A., Nemets, O. F., & Poyarkov, V. A. (1991). Fundamentals of agricultural radiology. Kiev: Urozhay. Hansard, S. L. (1964). Effects of Hydrobiotites upon Strontium-89 and Cesium-137 Retention By Ruminant Animals. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 115(2), 346-350. Vasenko, A. G. (2002). Ecological state of transboundary parts of the rivers of the Dnipro basin in Ukraine. Kiev: Academiperiodika, 355 p. Yatsenko, I. V., & Bogatko, N. M. (2017). Hygiene and examination of food hydrobionts and products of their processing. Part 1. Hygiene and expert examination of fishery products: Textbook Kharkiv: "Dis Plus",  pp. 331-341. Bandazhevsky, Y. I. (2001). Radioactive cesium and the heart: pathophysiological aspects. The Belrad Institute, Belarus, pp. 1-59. Owen, D. E. (1989). Polymorphism in the land snail Cepaеa hortensis in ieceland. Oikos, 23(2), 218-225. Kraybill, H. F. (1962). Civil defense in the food industry. 3. Radiological hazards in processed foods resulting from nuclear warfare. Food Technology (US), 16(2). Eberhardt, L. L. (1964). Variability of the strontium-90 and caesium-137 burden of native plants and animals. Nature, 204, 238-240. On the safety and quality of food products: Law of Ukraine dated October 26, 2005 No. 2809-IV (as amended). Database "Legislation of Ukraine"/Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. URL: (date of submission on March 13, 2019). Baratta, E. J. (1994). Manual of food quality control: radionuclides in food. Food & Agriculture Org, 14. Szabo, S. A. (1982). Computation about the biological halfperiod of strontium and caesium relating to poultry and rabbits on the basis of calcium and potassium material exchange [chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, radioisotopes, mineral metabolism]. Baromfitenyesztes es Feldolgozas (Hungary). Golovko, V. O., & Zlotin, A. Z. (2009). Agricultural ecology: monograph. Kharkiv: Espada. 624 p. Kimakovskaya, N. O. (2015). Radioecological substantiation of permissible levels of soil contamination 137Ðis for conducting subsidiary farming on radioactively contaminated territories in a remote period: diss. for the sciences. Degree Candidate s.-g. Sciences: 03.00.16. Zhytomyr, 158 p. Kovalenko, L. I. (1994). Radiation veterinary and sanitary examination of objects of veterinary control: monograph. Kyiv: "Higher school", 318 p.
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