Découverte à La Réunion de Elaphoglossum multisquamosum (Dryopteridaceae), connue jusqu'alors comme endémique de Madagascar

Robert, Y., H. Thomas, J.M. Tamon & G. Rouhan (2021). Discovery in La Reunion Island of Elaphoglossum multisquamosum (Dryopteridaceae), known so far as endemic to Madagascar. Candollea 76: 99–104. In French, English and French abstracts.A species of the fern genus Elaphoglossum Schott ex J. Sm. (Dryopteridaceae) has been discovered in La Reunion. It is ascribed to Elaphoglossum multisquamosum Bonap., described and known so far as endemic to Madagascar. Taking advantage of this new record, Elaphoglossum multisquamosum is reinstated as a species distinct from the Malagasy endemic Elaphoglossum poolii (Baker) Christ. Morphologically close to Elaphoglossum poolii that is often observed in sympatry in Madagascar, Elaphoglossum multisquamosum has often been treated as a variety of Elaphoglossum poolii or even placed in synonymy of the latter species. We provide a novel, fully detailed description of Elaphoglossum multisquamosum, all critical characters supporting it as distinct from Elaphoglossum poolii, and a comparative map of distribution for the two species in Madagascar and La Reunion. Finally, the name Elaphoglossum multisquamosum is lectotypified.
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