Omega and inverted omega incision: a concept of uniform incision in breast surgery.

In the history of breast surgery, we have seen a lot of changes in orientation, position, and localization of breast incisions. Most of the biopsy incisions have been made with no consideration of future mastectomy or reconstruction because a wide ellipse of skin removed during the mastectomy included the biopsy site. The primary surgical treatment was in the competence of the oncologic or general surgeon. Reconstruction was not an integral part of breast carcinoma therapy and was considered as a secondary, unimportant treatment to be preformed by a plastic surgeon at a later date if desired by the patient. Wide acceptance of conservative breast operations, skin-sparing mastectomy, and reconstruction as an integral part of breast cancer therapy necessitates new consideration about the initial incisions used for breast biopsy. We consider the omega incision not only as a type of incision but also as a concept that can be used for all breast surgery, including biopsy, lumpectomy, skin-sparing mastectomy, and reconstruction.
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