Kronenbewohnende Bockkäfer als Entscheidungshilfen zur Revitalisierung ehemaliger Mittelwälder | Longhorn beetles that inhabit tree tops provide vital help to revitalising former coppice-with-standards forests

On the basis of studies on longhorn beetles in former coppicewith- standards forests in the Freiburger Bucht region (SW-Germany), decisions concerning the revitalisation of coppice forest management from the point of view of species protection should be methodically and realistically substantiated. To this end, treetop inhabiting longhorn beetles in contrast to those living in the trunk have been systematically recorded in two coppice forest areas since 1996. This has revealed a great number of rare and endangered tree-top inhabiting species of fauna; the importance of those species that inhabit tree trunks and dead wood also has to be emphasised. Analysis of the various findings has led to concrete, decision oriented help, which, in turn, on the basis of structural indicators and selected species, facilitates the care and development of former coppice-with-standards forest in the Baden- Wurttemberg region and minimises potential conflicts.
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