Rencana Lokasi Shelter Evakuasi Tsunami di Kecamatan Tanjung Mutiara Kabupaten Agam

This study aims to: 1) Planned the location of the shelter location in Tanjung Mutiara district. 2) knowing the distance of the community to the location of the shelter. This type of research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The type of data used in this study are primary data secondry data. The analytical technique is service area analysis and route tools in network analyst arcgis 10.2 extension. The result of this study are: 1)Tanjung Mutiara district has 1 shelter building but does not meet the standards set by BNPB. 6 shelter locations are located in settlements near coastline, 2 locations planned namely SDN 04 Subang subang and Istiqomah Translok Mosque in Nagari Tiku V Jorong, The most shelter locations are in Nagari Tiku Selatan which is a densely populated area, 3 located at the location of the education center, namely Tanjung Mutiara 1 hight school, Islamic Boarding School-Based Vocational School, MTsN 5 Agam and 1 location is Senen Market which is a place for community activies. 2) there are still settlements thas are not served by te planned shelter location.
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