Short-Term Temporal Changes in Tree Live Biomass in a Central Amazonian Forest, Brazil

We monitored seventy-two 1ha permanent plots spread over 64km 2 of terra firme forest at Reserva Ducke (Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil) over 2-yr intervals to assess the effects of a soil and topographic gradient on the rate of change in the aboveground tree live biomass (AGLB). AGLB increased significantly over the 2-yr intervals, exhibiting a mean rate of change of 1.65Mg/ha/yr (bootstrapped 95% CI: 1.15, 2.79). The rate of change varied according to tree size class; understoryand sub-canopy trees exhibited higher rates of change. Over the whole period, the rate of change was not related to soil or topographic features of the plots, but there was evidence that the relationships varied depending on the year of measurement. In the plots monitored between 2001 and 2003 we found a significant relationship between AGLB change and the soil textural gradient, but this relationship was not evident in plots monitored between 2002 and 2004. This suggests that both the temporal variation in the soil‐biomass change relationship and the size structure of the forest need to be included in models of biomass change in Amazonia. We also noted that the rate of biomass change is sensitive to the equation used to estimate AGLB. Allometric models that incorporate wood-density data provide higher per plot AGLB estimates, but lower rates of change, suggesting that variations in floristic composition have important implications for carbon cycling in diverse tropical forests.
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