Turning waste into a resource: Study of the effect of containers made of giant reed weeds on the shelf life and quality of tomatoes and strawberries

espanolLa cana comun (Arundo donax L.) es en la actualidad una de las plantas invasoras mas agresiva en los ecosistemas de los rios en las regiones de clima mediterraneo en todo el mundo. Esta planta se puede utilizar como material barato y sostenible para la fabricacion de envases de fruta y verdura. Se hicieron envases con tableros de particulas de cana comun y se evaluo su comportamiento durante el almacenaje refrigerado de tomates y fresas. Se determinaron las propiedades mecanicas de los tableros y se comprobo que cumplian los requisitos para su uso industrial. Se evaluo la calidad de las fresas y los tomates tras 7 y 14 dias de almacenamiento, obteniendo resultados comparables sin diferencias significativas entre envases control de contrachapado y los envases de cana comun. Los parametros analizados fueron perdida de peso, acidez valorable, solidos solubles totales, indice de madurez, y calidad sensorial (color, presencia de podredumbre, olor a fruta fresca, acidez, dulzor, sabor a fruta fresca y firmeza). Posteriormente, tras los estudios de vida util, se determinaron las propiedades de los envases. Todos cumplieron los requisitos establecidos de apilado, compresion, y fuerza estatica y dinamica. Por ejemplo, los contenedores resistieron mas de 5.000 kg sometidos a compresion y la deflexion maxima del fondo fue de 3,84 mm, siendo el maximo permitido 6,10 mm. EnglishGiant reed (Arundo donax L.) is currently one of the greatest invasive threats to Mediterranean-type river ecosystems worldwide and can be easily transformed into a cheap and sustainable material that can be used in the manufacturing of containers for the fruit and vegetable industry. Simple trays were prepared using giant reed, and their behavior was evaluated during storage oftomatoes and strawberries. The mechanical properties of the giant reed particleboards were assayed, and it was shown that they are suitable for industrial purposes. The quality of strawberries and tomatoes stored for 7 and 14 days, respectively, in plywood (control) and giant reed containers was comparable, with no significant differences found. The parameters analyzed included weight loss, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, the maturity index, and sensory quality parameters (color, presence of decay, freshness of odor, sourness, sweetness, freshness of flavor and firmness) using a trained panel. After the shelf-life experiments, the properties of containers made with giant reed were assayed, and all of the properties met the requirements established for stacking, compression, static bending and dynamic compression. For instance, all of the containers resisted more than 5000 kg of compressive strain, and the maximum deflection that the containers exhibited was 3.84 mm, which is smaller than the maximum of 6.1 mm allowed.
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