The finding of some diatom species, which are known as brackish species, from hyper-saline inland lakes in Turkey

1 Abstract: There are a lot of inland saline lakes in the central part of Turkey. We found diatoms which were known as "brackish diatom species", from the inland hyper-saline lakes whose salinities exceeded twice or third as much as the marine salinity. The diatoms from the hyper-saline lakes were divided into following four species groups. Group a ; the species which were reported coastal areas and brackish lagoons in Japan (Cyclotella hakanssoniae, Nitzschia compressa, Nitzschia constricta, Amphora coffeaeformis, Entomoneis alata) Group B; the species which were reported from freshwater areas and low saline areas in Japan (Fragilaria fasciculata, Navicula cincta) Group C; the species which was not reported before in Japan(Cymbella pussila) Group D; the new finding species which should be described as a new specie(Cocconeis sp. -1) The geological surveys presumed that the inland saline lakes in Turkey had been formed by glacial and interglacial climatic changes during the Quaternary. Therefore, the adaptation of " brackish species " into the hyper-saline environment occurred during the Quaternary . It indicated that some of brackish diaotms have high ability to change of salinity.
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