Genomic organization and role of SPI-13 in nutritional fitness of Salmonella

Abstract Salmonella pathogenicity island 13 (SPI-13) contributes to the virulence of Salmonella . The majority of the SPI-13 genes encode proteins putatively involved in bacterial metabolism, however, their functions largely remain uncharacterized. It is currently unknown if SPI-13 contributes to metabolic fitness of Salmonella and, if so, what are the metabolic substrates for the protein encoded by genes within SPI-13. We employed Phenotype Microarray (Biolog, USA) to compare the metabolic properties of SPI-13 deficient mutant (ΔSPI-13) and the WT parent strain of non-typhoidal Salmonella enterica sub sp. enterica serovar Enteritidis ( S. Enteritidis). The results of Phenotype Microarray revealed that SPI-13 is required for efficient utilization of two micronutrients, namely, d -glucuronic acid (DGA) and tyramine (TYR), as sole sources of carbon and/or nitrogen. By systematic deletion of the individual gene(s), we identified specific genes within SPI-13 that are required for efficient utilization of DGA ( SEN2977-80 ) and TYR ( SEN2967 and SEN2971-72 ) as sole nutrient sources. The results show that SPI-13 mediated DGA and TYR metabolic pathways afford nutritional fitness to S. Enteritidis. Comparative genomics analysis of the SPI-13 locus from 247 Salmonella strains belonging to 57 different serovars revealed that SPI-13 genes specifically involved in the metabolism of DGA and TYR are highly conserved in Salmonella enterica . Because DGA and TYR are naturally present as metabolic byproducts in the gastrointestinal tract and other host tissues, we propose a metabolic model that shows that the role of SPI-13 mediated DGA and TYR metabolism in the nutritional fitness of Salmonella is likely linked to nutritional virulence of this pathogen.
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