Anabolic effects of acellular bon em arrow, platelet rich plasma ,a nd serum on equine suspensor yl igament fibroblast s in vitro

Summary The purpose of this study wa st oi nvestigate th er esponse of suspensor yl igament fibroblast s( SLF) to in vitro stimulation using acellular bon em arro w( ABM) , platele tr ich plasma (in vitro PRP), an ds erum as potential treatmen tm odalitie sf or suspensory desmitis. Blood, bon em arrow, an ds uspensory ligaments wer e collected from five horses. SLF wer eh arvested ,g row n unti lc onfluent, an ds timulated with various concentration so fA BM, PRP, equin es erum, foeta lb ovine serum, an dm edium (control). The response st ot he treatments wer ea ssesse du sing ac ombination of radiolabelin gf or total protei ns ynthesi sa nd an ELISA fo r quantification of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protei n (COMP )p roduction .A ddition of all of th es amples re sulte di ns ignificant increases in COMP an dt otal protein synthesis ove rc ontrols (P<0.001). ABM cause dt he greatest increase in both COMP an dt otal protein synthesis by the SLF. Equin eA BM, PRP, an ds erum contai n anaboli cf actors that promote matrix synthesis by SLF in vitro ,w it hA BM havin gt he greatest effect. Application of bon em arro wt oi njure dl igaments may enhanc e healin gb yp rovidin ga naboli cf actors, other tha no ri n addition to mesenchymal stem cells, which stimulate matri xp roduction .
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