Çevre Eğitiminin Amaçları, Uğraşı Alanları Ve Sorunları

Environmenial education is a new interdisciplinary studyfield which was composed oftwo different scientific inquiry. one is environmenial science based on physica! science, and the other is education based on hehavioral sciences. The objective of environmenial education is to set up a healthy communication and dialog between human heing and natural world in cognitive level so that the outiome should be to produce attitude and behaviour noi harmful to himselfand nature. it also aimsfor defining cultural, political, sociological, psychological and economic factors affeeting human behaviour at environmenial subjects. The problem in environmenial education research is that ali researchers have hammered M'itli only one research paradigm called positivism (like a hammer) for years as if ali topics of inauiry were nails. To overeome this. researchers in this field suggest to use interpretive paradigm. By doing analogy. when a screwdriver instead of hammer is most appropriate, use it. Environmenial knowledge transfer model should inelude rich sample material and background knowledge and historical dimension for each subjecl. Environmenial education is primarly an inguiry in the sphere of human ecology rather than nature ecology. Basic answer from this inquiry is not to make any irreversible changes in nature consciously. Children can not be educated to solve tomorrows environmenial problems. However, they may given a help in terms of gaining basic imellectual skills essential to solving environmenial problems and keeping sensiuvity tovmrds environmenial issues such as comunkation, thinking, problem defining and solving, decision making and research skills ete.
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