An alternative nisin A resistance mechanism affects virulence in Staphylococcus aureus

Nisin A is a bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis and is widely used as a food preservative. Staphylococcus aureus has the BraRS-VraDE system providing resistance against low concentrations of nisin A. The BraRS is one of a two-component system that senses nisin A by BraS and finally induces the expression of ABC transporter VraDE by phosphorylated BraR. Previously, we isolated a highly nisin A resistant strain with increased VraDE expression due to a mutation of braRS. In this study, we isolated a BraRS-VraDE-independent, nisin A resistant mutant from S. aureus MW2. These mutants, designated SAN2 (S. aureus nisin resistant) and SAN469, had a mutation in pmtR (MW1875) which encodes a transcriptional regulator responsible for the expression of the pmtA-D operon. As a result, this mutant exhibited a high level of constitutive production of PmtA-D, a transporter responsible for the export of phenol soluble modulin (PSM). We also obtained two pmtA-D overexpressing, nisin A resistant mutants which contained a point mutation in pmtR from other S. aureus strains. Characterization of the mutants revealed that they have a decreased susceptibility to human beta defensin-3 and LL37, which are innate immune factors. Additionally, these mutants showed higher hemolytic activity than the MW2 original strain. Furthermore, in a mouse bacteremia model, the SAN2 strain exhibited a lower survival rate than the MW2 original strain. These results indicate that the over expression of pmtA-D due to the pmtR mutation is an alternative nisin A resistance, which also affects virulence in S. aureus.
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