Evaluation of web-based learning sets for a post-graduate Pharmacist Programme

Medway School of Pharmacy (Universities of Greenwich and Kent) launched a new, work-based diploma programme to support clinical roles for Community Pharmacists. Web-based learning sets were initiated because Community Pharmacists are remote, often single-handed practitioners, working extended hours Monday to Sunday. This project aimed to introduce web-based learning sets evaluate their potential use within Medway School of Pharmacy post–graduate programme Following advice from Learning Technologists dimdim® (dimdim Inc, 2010) was chosen as the virtual classroom software. Tutors became familiar with the technology and web-based learning sets were planned. The system was piloted in a classroom followed by individual technical tests. When learning sets were initiated problems occurred; interactivity was limited (e.g. speaking rights had to be assigned) and the system was unreliable (difficulties logging in, lost connections). Only 1 of 4 planned learning sets used the virtual classroom with teleconferencing used as a back-up. Participant feedback was surprisingly positive and can be summarised by a quote from one student “When it works it is the best technology. Anybody will enjoy using it.” Therefore, the use of web-based learning sets was severely limited by technical problems. However, the evaluation indicated that with reliable technology, web-based learning sets would be valuable.
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