Morphometric Assessment of Corpus Callosum and Cerebral Hemispheres with Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Objective: In this study, our purpose was to assess the relationship between handedness, footedness and the morphological differences of certain intracranial structures on MR images. Material and Methods: 63 healthy male and 52 healthy female individuals were included in the study. In each subject, 16 measurements of intracranial structures were taken on MR images. Area of corpus callosum, also left and right cerebral hemispheres, length of CC, width of genu (r1), truncus (r2), isthmus (r3) and splenium of CC (r4) and width of corresponding cerebral hemisphere were measured. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in R3 (width of the corresponding cerebral hemisphere to r3) distance between those using their right feet and those using their left feet. Angle of genu in right-handed people was greater in males than in females. Angle of genu in cases using the left foot was greater in females than in males for standing on one leg. Conclusion: Morphometric assessment of CC with MR imaging related to handedness and footedness may be useful in demonstrating the relationship between callosal morphology, gender differences and extremity preference in neuroscience. Turkish Baslik: Corpus Callosum ve Hemispherium Cerebria#39;lerin MRI ile Morfometrik Degerlendirmesi Anahtar Kelimeler: Corpus callosum; el tercih edilirligi; ayak tercih edilirligi; manyetik rezonans goruntuleme Amac: Bu calismada amacimiz, MR goruntulerinde cesitli intrakranyal yapilarin morfolojik farkliliklari ile el ve ayak tercih edilirligi arasindaki iliskiyi degerlendirmekti. Gerec ve Yontemler: Calisma 63 erkek ve 52 kadin saglikli bireyi kapsiyordu. Her bir bireyde intrakranyal yapilarin 16 olcumu Manyetik Rezonans goruntulerinde yapildi. Corpus callosum (CC), sol ve sag hemispherium cerebri alanlari, CC uzunlugu, CCa#39;un genu (r1), truncus (r2), isthmus (r3) ve splenium (r4) kisimlarinin genisligi ve bu kisimlara uyan hemispherium cerebria#39;lerin genisligini olctuk. Bulgular: Sag ile sol ayagini tercih edenler arasinda R3 (r3a#39;e uyan hemispherium cerebria#39;lerin genisligi) mesafesinde istatistiksel olarak anlamli farklilik vardi. Sag elini tercih edenlerde genu acisi erkeklerde kadinlardan daha buyuktu. Tek ayak uzerinde durma icin sol ayagini kullanan vakalarda genu acisi kadinlarda erkeklerden daha buyuktu. Sonuc: El ve ayak tercih edilirligine iliskin MR goruntuleriyle CCa#39;un morfometrik degerlendirmesi sinir biliminde CCa#39;un morfolojisi, cinsiyet farkliliklari ve ekstremite tercihi arasindaki iliskiyi gostermede yararli olabilir.
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