Cooperative Scalable Moving Continuous Query Processing

A range of applications call for a mobile client to continuously monitor others in close proximity. Past research on such problems has covered two extremes: It has offered totally centralized solutions, where a server takes care of all queries, and totally distributed solutions, in which there is no central authority at all. Unfortunately, none of these two solutions scales to intensive moving object tracking applications, where each client poses a query. In this paper, we formulate the \emph{moving continuous query} (MCQ) problem and propose a balanced model where servers cooperatively take care of the global view and handle the majority of the workload. Meanwhile, moving clients, having basic memory and computation resources, handle small portions of the workload. This model is further enhanced by dynamic region allocation and grid size adjustment mechanisms that reduce the communication and computation cost for both servers and clients. An experimental study demonstrates that our approaches offer better scalability than competitors.
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