Биомеханические характеристики регуляции сгибания и разгибания рук в плечевых суставах студенток в возрасте 19-20 лет

Aim: to measure speed-force parameters of dynamical features of shoulder flexion and extension in women students aged 19-20 engaged in physical education. Our examination involved women students of South Ural State University aged 19-20 who attended PE classes and belonged to the first (12 %) and the second (48 %) health groups meanwhile 40 % students belonged to special health group; the total number of research subjects was 16. To estimate isokinetic shoulder movement we used BiodexSystem 4 Pro complex, to measure heart rate we used SCHILLER CARDIOVIT CS-200 Ergo-Spiro diagnostic equipment. Analysis of the obtained data involved calculation of differential factor for large sets of muscles ≤ 15 %, small sets of muscles ≤ 20 %, deficiency percentage 10 to +10 %, maximum rotating torque, time to reach the torque, angle of the maximum rotating torque, work to body mass ratio, mean power, acceleration and deceleration time, movement range, gravity effect rotating torque. The obtained results allowed the most precise description of biomechanical features of shoulder flexion and extension. The examined women students performed aerobic motor actions (MA), and as we estimated the functional status by the heart rate we observed the good restoration ability levels. The analysis of the obtained results showed the profile asymmetry that was based on special genotype and phenotype as long as we considered MA as a specific health-associated human behaviour.
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