Context i presència del teatre català a França (1980-2012)

catalaEl present article preten abordar la idea de l'europeitat com a element essencial que promou (o no) l'exportacio de la dramaturgia catalana contemporania des dels anys 1990. Quina es la realitat del teatre catala contemporani a Franca? Com una dramaturgia subjecta a una minoritzacio i a un indefugible debat identitari, aconsegueix trobar un lloc a Franca, metonimia d'Europa? Es Europa una promesa de ruptura d'unicitats, garantia d'obertura d'horitzons estetics i localismes, o es sinonim d'uniformitzacio cultural? EnglishThe aim of this article is to approach the idea of Europeanness as an essential element for promoting (or not promoting) the export of Catalan contemporary drama since the 1990s. What exactly is the reality of contemporary Catalan theatre in France? How does playwriting subject to minoritization and to an unavoidable debate on identity succeed in finding its place in France, the metonymy of Europe? Is Europe a promise of breaking with monocultures, a guarantee of opening aesthetic horizons and localisms, or is it a synonym of cultural uniformity?
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