Agrodiversity in Turkey: Case Study on Rice

Aerobic rice has been introduced during the recent past owing to higher water needs and labor requirements of the conventionally irrigated rice. Agronomic crop management of aerobic rice is still under development. Some high-yielding aerobic rice cultivars have been introduced while efforts are underway to produce more cultivars for different rice-growing areas of the world. Although, the seed rate used across the different aerobic rice ecologies varied (40–80 kg ha−1); however, it can be adjusted according to seed type and specific soil conditions. The aerobic rice can be sown manually or using drill on flat land, furrow-beds or furrow-ridges. Ground covers like plastic and straw mulch can be used to improve soil water retention in water-limited areas. Similarly, wise water management is crucial for the good harvest of aerobic rice. Sprinkler and drip irrigation can importantly be employed for growing aerobic rice in water-scarce environments. Efficient fertilizer and pest management are crucial for harvesting high aerobic rice yields. High weed infestation is the biggest pest problem in the aerobic rice. Herbicides are the salient methods to control weeds. Paddy yields similar to the conventional method can be harvested from the aerobic rice if the crop has been managed properly.
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