Avaliação da implantação de programa voltado para melhoria da acessibilidade e humanização do acolhimento aos usuários na rede básica: Salvador, 2005-2008

OBJECTIVES: to evaluate and monitor the implementation of a project aiming to broaden access and humanization of user embracement for users of the primary health care in Salvador, Brazil, between November 2005 and May 2008. METHODS: the implementation of the project was evaluated at three points in time, both externally, by a team of consultants, and internally as part of a self-evaluation by Unit Managers. An intervention logic model was designed for this purpose and a set of evaluation criteria derived from this. RESULTS: at the end of the first year, the implementation of program components varied from 45% to 82% of units. Six months later, implementation was more extensive. In the third and last year, in 2008, an evaluation carried out in a sample of 24 units revealed continued implementation of the project, albeit with a considerable setbacks. CONCLUSIONS: the high degree of implementation observed, with a reduction in the size of avoidable waiting queues and improvement in access to health units in the first year, may be related to the implementation strategy adopted and to some of the specific features of municipal administration. The authors also discuss the possible reasons for the obstacles encountered within the municipal administration of the Brazilian National Health System.
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