Clinical Diagnosis of Business Organization (NZD Manuka Health and Beauty Products) in the Philippines: A Qualitative Study.

Introduction: There is the quest for sustainable eradication of threats to enhance the health of organizations. This study's curiosity is to tackle the concept of determining how an organization diagnoses the threats in its environment.   Methods: This study is qualitative research and content analysis method has been adopted by the researcher. The research design of content analysis is used to create inferences from papers and observations. three people were interview through video recording. Permission was sort before the interview was granted, and the researcher assured the interviewee that every detail of the recorded video will be kept confidential. The recorded video interview data was transcribed by an expect transcriber, and were analyzed, and interpreted by the researcher   Results: The study revealed that effective clinical diagnosis that leads to changes requires a sense of urgency, the establishment of a strong team of change agents. The development of a vision and strategy through careful and well-thought-out planning, and the communication of the vision for change to the business organization, the empowerment of team members to help and participate in change initiatives, and the generation of shifts.   Discussion: The members of the organizations may not have a mutual perspective on the organizational diagnosis. Therefore, professionals need to consider obtaining data from various sources and consider this in their diagnosis and procedures. The study recommends that different quantitative methods can be used to diagnose business organizations.
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