I detail a method for producing high quality Fourier transform holograms using a computer, laser printer, and overhead transparency film. The method should be useful for lecture demonstration and holography laboratories. © 1999 American Association of Physics Teachers.

Given an arbitrary holographic phase/amplitude plate, computer-generated holography attempts to find a suitable binary encoding of the ~complex! transmission function of the hologram. Several solutions to this problem have been described in this journal with applications to physics laboratories. 1‐6 The instructional use of computer-generated holograms has the potential to enhance students’ understanding of the holographic reconstruction process. In previous work, poor resolution of available computer output devices required the holograms to be photographically reduced for use in a laboratory optical system. Photographic processing limits the rate at which holograms can be produced to a few per hour at best, and can be unreliable in the hands of a novice, often limiting the learning experience for students attempting holography. With the advent of low-cost, high resolution ~.300 dpi! laser printers, 75375 element holograms can be produced directly on a 1 in.31 in. area of overhead transparency film. The entire process, which includes graphical description of an object, calculation of the hologram, and output to the printer, takes less than 5 mins. The images reconstructed with a very simple optical rail are of quite high quality. With rapid cycle time and excellent results, such computergenerated holograms should complement all-optical techniques for teaching students about holography. The procedure is conceptually very similar to that recently used in the demonstration of atom holography. 7 A related, although more complex, method using xerographic reduction at lower resolving power was described some time ago in the engineering literature. 8
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