Innovation networks and knowledge clusters : findings and insights from the US, EU and Japan

The Role of the Firm in Innovation Networks and Knowledge Clusters Measuring Firm Innovative Performance Academic Entrepreneurship Buyer Discourse Perspective on Market Entry Impact of Information Flow on Industry Resilience Big Science as a Catalyst of New Business Development Knowledge-based Geospatial Information System and the Informational Space Economy From Regional Innovation Strategies to the Multi-level Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation Information Flow and Global Competitiveness of Industrial Districts The Role of Clusters and Regional Networks in Economic Transformation Weak Ties and Innovation among Indian and Chinese Engineers in Silicon Valley K-CORES, Team Dynamics and Intra organizational Development in an Aerospace Firm Venturing Clusters The Role of the Government and the Academia Industry Network in Biopharmaceutical Industry of China From Bureaucratic Mode of Technological Entrepreneurship to Clustering Mode of Technological Entrepreneurship Innovation Symbiosis among Geographical Knowledge Networks To Cluster or not to Cluster? The Growth of High-Tech Firms in New Zealand
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