Potential application of quantitative microbiological risk assessment techniques to an aseptic-UHT process in the food industry.

Abstract Aseptic Ultra-High-Temperature (UHT)-type processed food products (e.g. milk or soup) are ready to eat products which are consumed extensively globally due to a combination of their comparative high quality and long shelf life, with no cold chain or other preservation requirements. Due to the inherent microbial vulnerability of aseptic-UHT product formulations, the safety and stability-related Performance Objectives (POs) required at the end of the manufacturing process are the most demanding found in the food industry. The key determinants to achieving sterility, and which also differentiates aseptic-UHT from in-pack sterilised products, are the challenges associated with the processes of aseptic filling and sealing. This is a complex process that has traditionally been run using deterministic or empirical process settings. Quantifying the risk of microbial contamination and recontamination along the aseptic-UHT process, using the scientifically based process Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA), offers the possibility to improve on the currently tolerable sterility failure rate (i.e. 1 defect per 10,000 units). In addition, benefits of applying QMRA are i) to implement process settings in a transparent and scientific manner; ii) to develop a uniform common structure whatever the production line, leading to a harmonisation of these process settings, and; iii) to bring elements of a cost-benefit analysis of the management measures. The objective of this article is to explore how QMRA techniques and risk management metrics may be applied to aseptic-UHT-type processed food products. In particular, the aseptic-UHT process should benefit from a number of novel mathematical and statistical concepts that have been developed in the field of QMRA. Probabilistic techniques such as Monte Carlo simulation, Bayesian inference and sensitivity analysis, should help in assessing the compliance with safety and stability-related POs set at the end of the manufacturing process. The understanding of aseptic-UHT process contamination will be extended beyond the current “As-Low-As-Reasonably-Achievable” targets to a risk-based framework, through which current sterility performance and future process designs can be optimised.
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