The use of collagen shields for drug delivery in cataract and intraocular lens surgery.

: Collagen shields are an appealing route of drug administration because they avoid complications associated with periocular injections and frequent topical drug application. A review of past studies establishes the capability of collagen shields to reach therapeutic aqueous drug levels in animal models. More recent studies on human subjects reaffirm the capability of collagen shields to provide adequate prophylaxis against the most common pathogens of postoperative endophthalmitis. Research on the use of collagen shields after routine cataract surgery shows that patients receiving the collagen shields had less postoperative anterior chamber reaction, less corneal edema, and fewer subconjunctival hemorrhages when compared with patients receiving the same medication through subconjunctival injection. Collagen shields may also be useful as a means to deliver other medications such as antivirals, antifungals, and immunosuppressive agents.
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