Att skapa förutsättningar för lärande i musik : En studie om musiklärares uppfattningar om hur de skapar förutsättningar för elever att uppnå kunskapskraven i ämnet musik

The aim of this study is to investigate how some music teachers considers they are creating conditions for their pupils to achieve the knowledge requirements in the school subject music. What tools do some music teachers describe that they use for the pupils to achieve the knowledge requirements in music? How do teachers consider they are creating teaching environment for mediation of knowledge? Three music teachers with long experience working from first to sixth grade in primary school have been interviewed. The method of this study is qualitative interviews and the theoretical point of view is a socio cultural perspective. The result is presented in the following themes: Tools that enables where differences are shown in the respondents access to pedagogical tools, Shaping the teaching environment where the respondents describe the importance of music teachers personal circumstances. In the discussion chapter the result is discussed by the following themes: Conditions, Assessment, Teaching approaches and Sociocultural concepts where access to a music hall, instruments and time are highlighted as important factors for the music teachers possibility to mediate knowledge.
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