Beyond the water efficiency calculators

Evidence suggests that since water shortages are partly rooted in human behaviour, theenvironmental impact can consequently be managed through behaviour change. Beforebehaviour change can occur the existing behaviour must first be observed, and theinfluences understood. Even though research in environmental behaviour is abundant,past studies attempting to link psychological variables to conservation behaviour arethought to have produced mixed, inconclusive findings. Moreover, most of this researchhas concentrated on recycling and energy conservation, and there are still few studiesinvestigating the combined physical, sociological and psychological aspects of householdwater usage to a sufficient level of detail and granularity.This paper presents findings of an initial review of behavioural theories and models inexisting literature learning from the broad evidence in resource efficiency studies forspecific applications to water efficiency. The paper concludes with an integratedframework for the design and delivery of water efficiency interventions. This frameworkwill provide the theoretical basis to a study which aims to propose a simplifiedintervention approach that integrates the physical, sociological and psychologicalinfluences in water efficiency interventions.The resulting framework is also beneficial in the wider context to align detailed andaccurate water end use data with a range of socio-demographic, stock inventory,residential attitude and behavioural factors. This will aid the development of tools andtechniques that are capable of revealing the determinants of water end use. This willcontribute to even more robust understanding of water demand and inform the design ofeffective water use interventions.
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