“Real-Time technology? Migration of traditional SCADA systems technology: Part2: Advantages of implementation”

In this technical article, the advantages of implementing Real-Time Technology for simulation and prediction of normal and contingency conditions in the operation of electrical systems are presented. The relationship between a traditional SCADA technology and the evolution of off-line simulations in an integrated environment to encourage the migration of Real-Time Systems to optimize the operational reliability of the electrical system in question. Also, it is sought to emphasize that the operation of the electrical system uses electric / database models that differ considerably in detail and structure of the models used during the design and planning stage. Normally, there are no links between different models, geospatial applications, operating systems, etc. Therefore, the data formats are different and incompatible in turn, generating differences in the equipment of design, engineering, planning, operation, and maintenance. The contribution of this article in Part 2: is focused on related cases in implementations of this solution to provide versatility to the electrical systems and their energy management.
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