CRISPR-mediated Multiplexed Live Cell Imaging of Nonrepetitive Genomic Loci

Three-dimensional (3D) structures of the genome are dynamic, heterogeneous and functionally important. Live cell imaging has become the leading method for chromatin dynamics tracking. However, existing CRISPR- and TALE-based genomic labeling techniques have been hampered by laborious protocols and low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), and are thus mostly applicable to repetitive sequences. Here, we report a versatile CRISPR/Casilio-based imaging method, with an enhanced SNR, that allows for one nonrepetitive genomic locus to be labeled using a single sgRNA. We constructed Casilio dual-color probes to visualize the dynamic interactions of cohesin-bound elements in single live cells. By forming a binary sequence of multiple Casilio probes (PISCES) across a continuous stretch of DNA, we track the dynamic 3D folding of a 74kb genomic region over time. This method offers unprecedented resolution and scalability for delineating the dynamic 4D nucleome.
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