Modification of Pancreatic Carcinogenesis in the Hamster Model. XII. Dose-Related Effect of Ethanol

Ethanol (E) was given to outbred Syrian golden hamsters in drinking water at a 5% (wt/vol) concentration for life beginning either before or after a single dose of N-nitrosobis(2-oxopropyl)amine (BOP). No effects on tumor induction were seen in the pancreas or in other BOP target tissues (e.g., the common duct and gallbladder), whether E was given immediately after or 4 weeks before and immediately after BOP. These results sharply conflicted with our previous findings in which a higher concentration of E (25% wt/vol) inhibited BOP-induced pancreatic lesions, and they indicated a dose-related action of E on pancreatic carcinogenesis. Development of a few acinar cell foci in hamsters treated with BOP and E, but not in those treated with E alone or BOP alone, indicated that E in this concentration alters pancreatic functions without modifying carcinogenesis.
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