Situação vacinal do Papiloma Vírus Humano (HPV) em adolescentes em uma unidade básica de saúde no Maranhão

Objective: Analyzing the vaccine situation of the human papilloma virus in adolescents in a basic health unity in Maranhao. Methods: Quantitative study of a descriptive and exploratory type, where it was utilized the vaccination cards of the adolescents from 9 to 14 years old of the basic health unit, that it was chosen. The variables analyzed were referring of the sex, date of birth, race, care group, vaccination strategy. Results: It was observed that of the 66 cards used, the largest amount it was referring to the first register that also it corresponds to the first dose of HPV of the adolescents if it will go. The highest rate of vaccine covering was in first dose with the percentage of 81,8%. The second dose of the vaccine this immunized only 34,8% of the adolescents who this took the second dose, and a total of 65,2% the percentage that didn’t take the second dose. In regarding of the sex, it was identified the prevalence of the feminine sex with 66, 7%, and of this percentage, 59,3% adolescents made the 1st dose and 91,3% they made the 2nd dose. The age group with the highest adhesion of the vaccine it was 9 to 12 years (56,1%), while the 13 to 14 years it were 43,9%. Conclusion: With the results of the research it concludes the there was a high vaccine coverage against HPV in sex feminine adolescents in the first dose, but the male sex had a low vaccination coverage.
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