MDA-7 regulates cell growth and radiosensitivity in vitro of primary (Non-Established) human glioma cells

We examined the impact of purified bacterially synthesized GST-MDA-7 (IL-24) and ionizing radiation on the proliferation and survival of non-established human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) cells. Glioma cell types expressing mutated PTEN and p53 molecules, activated ERBB1VIII, over-expressing wild type ERBB1 or without receptor over-expression were selected. In MTT assays, GST-MDA-7 caused a dose-dependent reduction in the proliferation of non-established glioma cells; however only at higher concentrations did GST-MDA-7 reduce cell viability. The anti-proliferative and cytotoxic effects of GST-MDA-7 were enhanced by radiation in a greater than additive fashion that correlated with JNK1/2/3 activation. The reduction in cell growth and enhancement in cell killing by the combination of GST-MDA-7 and radiation were blocked by an ROS scavenger, N-acetyl cysteine (NAC), a JNK1/2/3 inhibitor SP600125, a pan-caspase inhibitor (zVAD) and by an inhibitor of caspase 9 (LEHD), but not by an inhibitor of caspase 8 (IE...
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