Massive Enhancement of Optical Transmission across a Thin Metal Film via Wave Vector Matching in Grating-Coupled Surface Plasmon Resonance

We demonstrate how distinct surface plasmon resonance modes on opposite sides of a metal-coated grating can be coupled across the metal film. This coupling occurs by matching the resonance conditions on each side of the grating by tuning the refractive index directly adjacent to the metal film. In the first example, we deposited a high refractive index layer of tin oxide on top of the grating to red-shift the front side surface plasmon until it coupled with the backside surface plasmon across a semitransparent ∼45 nm thin silver grating. By shifting the resonance condition of the nearby surface plasmon, this high refractive index coating creates an effective matching of wave vectors across the metal film, allowing them to couple and enhance the optical response. A massive increase in the magnitude of enhanced transmission is observed, increasing from a 6-fold transmission enhancement through a bare silver grating to a near 100-fold enhancement after deposition of a tin oxide layer of appropriate thickness...
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