Comparison of Safety and Eficacy of Rosuvastatin (10 Mg) And Atorvastatin (30Mg) in Cases of Dyslipidemia over Twelve Weeks of Treatment

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES To Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Rosuvastatin (10 Mg) andAtorvastatin (30 Mg) in Cases of Dyslipidemia Over twelve Weeks of Treatment MATERIALS AND METHODS Inclusion Criteria: Both male and female (Excluding Pregnancy) above 18 years of age with hypercholesterolemia, having LDL-C concentration of >159 and, 259 mg/dl and triglyceride concentration of <400mg/dl, who had failed to have achieved LDL-C goals laid down by the NECP ATP-III guidelines after therapeutic lifestyle change (TLC): HDL-C level: <40 mg/dl for men and, <50 mg/dl for women.60 cases of dyslipidemia were selected and 30 were treated with rosuvastatin 10 mg (Study group ‘A’) and 30 of them were treated with atorvastatin 20 mg (study group ‘B’). Exclusion Criteria Use of lipid lowering agents with in the past 6 months. Any history of known familial hypercholesterolemia. Any history of serious or hypersensivity reactions to other statins. Uncontrolled hypothyroidism; uncontrolled hypertension. Acute liver diseases or hepatic dysfunction. After estimation of total cholesterol,triglycerides,HDL- cholesterol and LDL-c in a basal state, 50 patients were put on rosuvastatin 10 mg and 50 patients were put on atorvastatin 30 mg daily after night meals.After taking drugs, lipid fractions were re-estimated at the end of 6 weeks and 12weeks.Clinical examination and questions about occurrence of side effects were carried out at interval of 2 weeks.Present study was conducted in the department of Medicine and Pathology, of Katihar medical college, Katihar,B.N.Mandal University, Madhepura; Bihar. Approval of the institutional ethical committee was taken. Study conducted by “Keith C et al (2006)” showed 37.1±1.3%, improvementin patients treated with RSV (10) and 38.5±1%, with (ATV 20),(ARIES TRIAL), “Cheng J. W. et al(2004)” found 43% improvementin levels of LDL-C, with RSV(10) and “Herregod et al (2008)” found that RSV(10) significantly reducedLDL level up to 47% in his study.Inthe”SOLAR TRIAL” conducted by “Insull W Jr. et al (2007) 1 ”found that mean levels ofLDL-C in patients taking RSV(10) over six weeks reached their target <100 mg/dl, which were comparable 100.43±2.93 to our study.The most frequent adverse effect in both the groups were myalagia with incidence of 3.33% in study. Group’ A’ (RSV 10mg) and 6.66% incidence in study Group ‘B’ (ATV 30 mg), all adverse events were mild and had no action taken, and resolved spontaneously. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The present study “Comparison of Safety and Efficacy of Rosuvastatin (10mg) and Atorvastatin (30mg) in cases of Dyslipidemia over 12 week Treatment”was conducted amongst 100 diagnosed patients of dyslipidemia. The result of this study shows that rosuvastatin 10 mg is only slightly more efficacious and safe in reducing the levels of TC, LDL, TC/HDL, TG and improving HDL levels as compared to Atorvastatin 30 mg.
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