Impurities diffusion layer forming composition, n-type diffusion layer forming composition, method for manufacturing n-type diffusion layer, p-type diffusion layer forming composition, method for manufacturing p-type diffusion layer, and method for manufacturing solar cell elements

Disclosed is an impurities diffusion layer forming composition which contains a dispersion medium and a glass powder containing a donor element or an acceptor element, and wherein the glass powder content is within the range of 1-90% by mass. When the impurities diffusion layer forming composition is an n-type diffusion layer forming composition, the glass powder contains the donor element and when the impurities diffusion layer forming composition is a p-type diffusion layer forming composition, the glass powder contains the acceptor element. By coating this impurities diffusion layer forming composition and subjecting same to a heat diffusion treatment, an n-type diffusion layer or a p-type diffusion layer is manufactured and a solar cell element with an n-type diffusion layer or a p-type diffusion layer is manufactured.
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