Biology of a praying mantid Tenodera attenuata (Stoll, 1937) (Mantodea: Mantidae: Mantinae) from Sindh

Praying mantids are famous as pitiless predators and they attack surprisingly within seconds hence called as ambush predator. The biology of Praying mantids has been discussed quite rare; therefore, present study was designed behind the assortment and identification of Oothecae, collected from various localities of Sindh during May to November 2013-2015. The morphometrics results identified 45 specimens and 23 Oothecae of T. attenuata generally in the laboratory, field and in green house. The total number of hatchings 232.8 ± 18.33 and birth rate% 71.23 ± 12.77 were counted whose total length and width 17.84±0.49mm and 11.84±0.42mm was measured. The first nymphal stage was measured about 11.00 ± 0.25mm in length with a total duration of 12.6 ± 1.14 days; however, the fifth nymphal stage was measured about 57.10 ± 1.89 mm in length with a total duration of 53.2 ± 1.78 days. Highest mortality was recorded between 1st to 3rd instars. Female survived 165.4 ± 08.10 days and has elongated longevity than male. Both, temperature and humidity were measured by Digital Thermal hygrometer TH302. Photographs were captured by digital Samsung 14.5 mixa pixel camera.
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