Long non-coding RNA INXS is a critical mediator of BCL-XS induced apoptosis

BCL-X mRNA alternative splicing generates proapoptotic BCL-XS or anti-apoptotic BCL-XL gene products and the mechanism that regulates splice shifting is incompletely understood. We identified and characterized a long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) named INXS, transcribed from the opposite genomic strandofBCL-X,that was 5-to9-foldlessabundant in tumorcelllinesfromkidney,liver,breastandprostate and in kidney tumor tissues compared with nontumors. INXS is an unspliced 1903 nt-long RNA, is transcribed by RNA polymerase II, 5 � -capped, nuclear enriched and binds Sam68 splicing-modulator. Three apoptosis-inducing agents increased INXS lncRNA endogenous expression in the 786-O kidney tumor cell line, increased BCL-XS/BCL-XL mRNA ratio and activated caspases 3, 7 and 9. These effects were abrogated in the presence of INXS knockdown. Similarly, ectopic INXS overexpression caused a shift in splicing toward BCL-XS and activation of caspases, thus leading to apoptosis. BCL-XS protein accumulation was detected upon INXS overexpression. In a mouse xenograft model, intra-tumor injections of an INXS-expressing plasmid caused a marked reduction in tumor weight, and an increase in BCL-XS isoform, as determined in the excised tumors. We revealed an endogenous lncRNA that induces apoptosis, suggesting that INXS is a possible target to be explored in cancer therapies.
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