Faith-based health care 2 Controversies in faith and health care

Diff erences in religious faith-based viewpoints (controversies) on the sanctity of human life, acceptable behaviour, health-care technologies and health-care services contribute to the widespread variations in health care worldwide. Faith-linked controversies include family planning, child protection (especially child marriage, female genital mutilation, and immunisation), stigma and harm reduction, violence against women, sexual and reproductive health and HIV, gender, end-of-life issues, and faith activities including prayer. Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and traditional beliefs have similarities and diff erences in their viewpoints. Improved understanding by health-care providers of the heterogeneity of viewpoints, both within and between faiths, and their eff ect on health care is important for clinical medicine, public-health programmes, and health-care policy. Increased appreciation in faith leaders of the eff ect of their teachings on health care is also crucial. This Series paper outlines some faith-related controversies, describes how they infl uence health-care provision and uptake, and identifi es opportunities for research and increased interaction between faith leaders and health-care providers to improve health care.
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