Плоскоклеточный рак дна полости рта у мальчика 11 лет: случай из практики (Н.В. Иванова, Т.В. Горбунова, М.А. Кропотов, В.Г. Поляков)

Oral cancer is a rare pathology among epithelial tumors in children. Surveys undertaken in Europe and the US, the rate of cancer of the oral cavity in persons younger than 40 years is 3,9–10,7%. In Institute of Children Oncology RONC of N.N. Blokhina we watched the boy 11 years with a diagnosis of squamous cell carcinoma in floor of mouth. The diagnosis is confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Followin by chemoradiation therapy: 5course chemotherapy, radiotherapy on primary tumor a dose of 55,2 Gy in lymph nodes of neck a dose of 40,8 Gy left side of neck and 45,6 Gy right side of neck , and we performed surgery in the amount of tumor removal of floor of mouth with subtotal resection of the tongue, segmenting resection of the lower jaw. Substitution of osteomyscular defect peroneal transplantation on microvascular anastomoses. Fasciale-casing lymphadenectomy neck on the right. The observation period was 8 months without of relapse. Key words: squamous cell carcinoma, children. (Onkopediatriya – Oncopediatrics. 2014; 1: 54-58)
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