Crossover in the dynamical critical exponent of a quenched two-dimensional Bose gas.

We study the phase ordering dynamics of a uniform Bose gas in two dimensions following a quench into the ordered phase. Within the classical field methodology, we perform numerical simulations exploring the crossover between dissipative and conservative evolution. Regardless of the dissipation strength, we find clear evidence for universal scaling, with dynamical critical exponent $z$ characterising the growth of the correlation length. In the dissipative limit we find growth consistent with the logarithmically corrected law $[t/\log(t/t_0)]^{1/z}$, and exponent $z=2$, in agreement with previous studies. For decreasing dissipation we observe a smooth crossover to the conservative limit, where we find strong numerical evidence for the expected growth law $t^{1/z}$, but with anomalously low exponent $z \approx 1.7$. We show that this lower exponent may be attributable to a power-law vortex mobility arising from vortex-sound interactions.
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