Condies de trabalho e sade mental dos mdicos de Salvador, Bahia, Brasil

Abstract This cross-sectional study investigated the asso-ciation between work conditions and minorpsychological disorders (MPD) in a randomsample of 350 doctors from Salvador City, Stateof Bahia, Brazil. Data were gathered using anindividual, self-report questionnaire that incor-porated the demand-control model (Job Con-tent Questionnaire) to evaluate psychosocial as-pects of the doctors’ work and the Self-reportQuestionnaire (SRQ-20) to evaluate their men-tal health. The study found increased work over-load, overtime and extended work shifts, multi-ple jobs, low income per hour worked, and un-stable work arrangements with payment perprocedure. The prevalence of MPD was 26.0%and was more strongly associated with aspectsof the psychological demands of work than withthe doctors’ control over it. Doctors with highstrain (high demand and low control) jobsshowed MPD prevalence of 3.07 (95%IC: 1.38-6.85) times higher than those in low strain (lowdemand and high control) jobs.Physicians; Mental Health;Working Conditions
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