Herniation through the foramen of Morgagni: early diagnosis and treatment

The majority of congenital diaphragmatic hernias (CDH) occur through the foramen of Bochdalek; herniation through the foramen of Morgagni (MH) is rare. Fifteen children (12 males and 3 females) with congenital MH (7 right, 3 left, 5 bilateral) were treated over a period of 15 years, comprising 11% of a total of 135 children with different types of CDH. The majority (12, 80%) had repeated chest infections. In 1 the hernia was discovered accidentally during evaluation of trauma, and another presented in the neonatal period with acute respiratory distress (ARD). The diagnosis was made on plain lateral chest radiograph when there was anterior herniation of bowel loops, and in these cases the diagnosis was confirmed by barium enema. Computed tomography was useful in preoperative diagnosis when the hernia contents were solid. All patients were operated upon transabdominally except 1, and in all cases there was a hernia sac. Associated anomalies were present in 10 (66.7%) patients: 4 (26.7%) had malrotation, 4 (26.7%) congenital heart disease, and 3 (20%) Down's syndrome. Our study shows a relatively high frequency of MH in our patients. MH rarely presents in the neonatal period, but when it does, it causes ARD. The majority of patients with MH present beyond the neonatal period with repeated attacks of chest infection, and although late-presenting MH is relatively benign, it nevertheless causes significant morbidity. Thus, clinical awareness and early diagnosis and surgical treatment are important factors.
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