[Handicap--negative variant of the "normal"--or else? Comments on the problem of attitude to deficits in rehabilitation and ethical principles].

: Uncertainty as to what exactly is comprised by disability is quite frequently encountered not only in the general public but also among rehabilitation workers. The "normal" is deemed the desirable, and "disability" turns into its negative counterpart. Attention is focussing on the deficits that appear on measuring and comparing. A critical discussion of deficit orientation in education and care of disabled persons is needed. Isolated identification of and attendance to deviations must be overcome by interdisciplinarity and team work, in order to pay due respect to the person as a whole, to his or her social and personal identity. Also, fundamental issues of the current ethics discussion in special education arise in this context. Shown on the example of J. J. Rousseau, reference to philosophical or educational "authorities" may turn out to be misguided.
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