Development of an IoT Based Shopping Trolley

The modern technology has augmented the quality of living for the humans. There has been an emerging demand for fast and straightforward payment of bills in supermarkets. People crave for a high quality with modern technology in everything we tend to use in our daily lives. This project describes the way to build an automatic and time saving system for the globe of retail which can build shopping experience impetuous, client friendly and secure. In the reality, shopping at super markets, malls has resulted in massive crowds to long lines at the billing counter as a result of the cashier has got to scan each product item then enter it into the billing record. The existing billing system may be a bit time overwhelming and that’s where the thought of IoT based Automated Shopping Trolley –a remedial electronic product to catch-up with this downside emerged. This is supported by Raspberry Pi fitted with a LED screen and QR scanner and a wireless technology referred to as Bluetooth. The digital display(LED) used may be a 16x2 and Bluetooth modules build the wireless network to figure simply between a particular ranges. A unique product with social acceptance is that the one that aids the comfort, convenience and potency in standard of living. The temporary description of its operation is, after you choose a product and drop it into the trolley, the QR scanner scans the product’s distinctive code and its worth.. Card payment facility is also made available below the LCD display. If payment is via cash then he/she has to visit the counter and pay the bill as displayed on the LCD screen fit. This will save the time that was earlier being consumed to scan each item. The entire system will work on RFID tags. The entire database and product info is stored using Cloud Technology. Anti-theft protection is enabled. Indoor Navigation facility is also enabled.
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