Las nuevas estrategias persuasivas publicitarias por inducción de niveles de procesamiento psicológico

In the twentieth century, advertising used a persuasive strategy via reiteration of the advertising stimulus. This encouraged the consumer to store some properties of the brand / product with a favourable attitude in his memory. The decrease in advertising efficacy due to media saturation, overload of information or technical and technological transformations has prompted advertising to seek out new more effective forms of communication. This article highlights the diversification of persuasive strategies favouring interactivity and the circulation of messages beyond the traditional channels. Accordingly, it presents a Model of Levels of Advertising Message Processing, based on the results of this research, integrating the four different persuasive advertising strategies identified in a set. Each of these strategies induces progressive degrees of psychological processing and interactivity with advertising of a different nature, complexity and intensity on the recipient. This generates higher levels of advertising effectiveness than the unidirectional advertising of past decades. These results show that the advertiser's relationship with the consumer modes has been modified. This has consequences for both the professional sector and the research into the current effectiveness and advertising structure.
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