Penggunaan Tepung Kulit Buah Nanas dalam Ransum Terhadap Bobot Relatif Organ Pencernaan dan Usus Halus Ayam Pedaging yang Disuplementasi Yoghurt

This research was conducted to study the effect of use pineapple peel meal into the ration on broiler chicken gastrointestinal supplemented yoghurt. Feeding trial was assigned into Completely Randomized Design and used 80 unsex three days old chickens, consisted of 4 treatments and 4 replications, each was consisting 5 chickens. The treatments were R0 (0% of pineapple peel meal/PPM), R1 (5% of PPM), R2 (10% of PPM), and R3 (15% of PPM). All the chickens were supplemented of yoghurt. Parameter measured were feed consumption, final body weight, relative weight of liver, pancreas, ventriculus and small intestine. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance. The results showed the diet consisted of 15% PPM decreasing of consumption (p 0.05) on final body weight, relative weight of liver and pancreas, and the ventriculus and small intestine relative weight on all treatments. It is indicated that pineapple peel meal could be use into the diet up to 15%. Yoghurt supplementation increased poultry production on nutrient absorbtion, especially under low quality feed within high fibre content. It is concluded that pineapple peel meal could be used into the ration up to 15% without any significant effects on final body weight and relative gastrointestinal broiler supplemented yoghurt. Kata Kunci: Yoghurt, gastrointestinal.
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