MGM deconvolution of complex mafic mineralogy rock slab spectra from visible-near infrared imaging spectroscopy: Implications for the characterization of the terrestrial ocean crust and of the lunar crust

Successive studies have shown the interest of the MGM approach for planetary surface characterization. However, these reference studies mainly deal with spectra acquired on controlled laboratory powder samples. Advanced imaging spectroscopic sensors with very high spatial resolution observations, either from orbit or in situ, give access to measurements at the scale of the outcrops down to the microscopic scale. At these scales, the coarse textures of the rock slabs may prevail over the granular nature of the surface. MGM deconvolution is tested here on Stillwater Complex and oceanic drill core slab samples with implications for the study of mafic assemblages in the presence of crystalline plagioclase such as in the lunar highlands crust.
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