Research processes of oil and paper insulation of high-voltage equipment during operation

The article analyzes the factors that accelerate the aging process of the oil-paper insulation of the condenser type and shorten its service life. Attention is drawn to the fact that the breakdown of flat insulation made of condenser paper occurs at the location of the inclusion, which approximately corresponds to the field of uniform field. An example of damage to the insulation of a current transformer due to its aging and moisture is given. This work was analysed the influence of thickness and density of paper, grade of mineral oil on short-term electrical strength. The characteristics of the insulating papers of the permeable composition largely determine the electrical strength of the paper-oil insulation.Since paper-oil insulation consists of a series of successive layers of paper and oil, it is advisable to present such insulation by the equivalent scheme shown in fig. 1, in which the thickness of the paper-oil dielectric is divided into two layers: paper (fiber) and mineral oil, connected in series.
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