Process integrated product concretisation: Extending conceptual design with function focus by processual product design

Existing development approaches usually focus on the product function as the starting point of development activities, since function fulfilment is the main carrier to ensure stakeholder satisfaction with the technical product. However, the early anticipation of technical processes provides huge potential to develop technical products with better product properties that e. g. tap potentials of new manufacturing processes or realise a resource-sensitive design. Product designers face the challenge of finding possible solutions that realise the product function and holistically match the intended product life cycle processes. Therefore, the paper extends the functionally focused development process by property-based product modelling in the process context to systematically tap potentials of entire product life cycle processes. Desired properties and desired factors harmonise the different structures between requirements and solution finding in function and process context. Thus, the Extended Mapping Model provides a valuable base for methodological support for a holistic process integrated product concretisation in context of the entire product life cycle processes.
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