Clean power generation resulting from orimulsion{reg_sign} utilization

In addition to the need to resolve and manage electric utility industry deregulation, mergers, hostile takeovers, divesture of generation assets, retail wheeling and accelerating competition, the industry must now prepare to also cope with oncoming proposed regulations by the E.P.A. to again revise standards for power plant emissions. Referred to as CAPI (Clean Air Power Initiative), the E.P.A. is focusing on new regulations to: (1) Further reduce NO{sub x} to emission caps ranging from 0.1 5-0.25 lb. per million BTU by 2005. (2) Reduce the present 1990 Clean Air Act SO{sub 2} emission cap by 50-60% by the year 2010. (3) Further reduce fine particulates and other hazardous pollutants, i.e.; air toxics. A variety of enforcement concepts and related formulas seem to be emerging from the E.P.A. covering multiple pollutants, caps and trades. Final details are not yet available, but it would appear that an integrated approach to organize the trading of multi-pollutant credits could emerge. Given the foregoing CAPI issue combined with constantly changing business and environment control climates, Bitor America Corporation (BAC) who is a subsidiary of Bitomenes Orinoco, S.A. (BITOR), in turn a subsidiary of Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA) and the marketer and supplier of Orimulsion{reg_sign}more » in North America (known as the {open_quotes}fourth fossil fuel{close_quotes}) has undertaken-a series of major tests and power plant modification design studies. The objective was to determine the cleanliness and competitiveness of various Orimulsion power system applications. Hence the purpose of this paper is to share with the reader, BAC`s work to date.« less
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