Assessing the Accuracy of Density Functional and Semiempirical Wave Function Methods for Water Nanoparticles: Comparing Binding and Relative Energies of (H2O)16 and (H2O)17 to CCSD(T) Results.

The binding energies and relative conformational energies of five configurations of the water 16-mer are computed using 61 levels of density functional (DF) theory, 12 methods combining DF theory with molecular mechanics damped dispersion (DF-MM), seven semiempirical-wave function (SWF) methods, and five methods combining SWF theory with molecular mechanics damped dispersion (SWF-MM). The accuracies of the computed energies are assessed by comparing them to recent high-level ab initio results; this assessment is more relevant to bulk water than previous tests on small clusters because a 16-mer is large enough to have water molecules that participate in more than three hydrogen bonds. We find that for water 16-mer binding energies the best DF, DF-MM, SWF, and SWF-MM methods (and their mean unsigned errors in kcal/mol) are respectively M06-2X (1.6), ωB97X-D (2.3), SCC-DFTB-γh (35.2), and PM3-D (3.2). We also mention the good performance of CAM-B3LYP (1.8), M05-2X (1.9), and TPSSLYP (3.0). In contrast, for r...
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